Club Bulletin
July, 2023 

 Issue 3

Presidential handover event July 8 
A hot Saturday in the park near the Sinkunia garden and during their Heritage Days event, saw YEG Passport club handover the reigns from Pres Sandra to co-Presidents Shelley and Chris.
We were joined by DG Brent and members of the Edmonton Northeast club who are partners with us on the Sinkunia Community Garden.
Unfortunately our induction of Pepe Villareal did not happen due to illness, but watch for a new date for that excitement to be rescheduled.
On this hot Saturday afternoon, we shared in some fabulous native foods courtesy of the Sinkunia members as well as a smudging ceremony and jingle dress dance by an indigenous young woman.  Great start to our new Rotary year. 
New Rotary year - Annual dues notice coming
With our new Rotary year starting July 1, we have our new theme " Creating Hope in the World",  a new District Governor - Brent Collingwood AND
our club ( as all clubs) issue their annual dues invoice.
With RI dues having a slight increase as well as the fluctuating exchange rate, our Executive has approved an increase in our club dues as well as the tax receiptable portion that goes to the Rotary Foundation so that we can maintain Every Member Every Year minimum of $ 25 USD.
 All members in our roster as of June 30, 2023 will be issued an invoice for 2023-24 dues for $ 275 + TRF portion $ 35 = $ 310.  Remember, this includes your insurance coverage while on projects as well as the Rotarian magazine (physical or digital version)
Payment instructions will be on the invoice.
Thank you for being a member in good standing
Summer service - Root for Trees - Sat Aug 19
Looking for a way to connect with other Rotarians and do something fun outdoors?   Join the Rotary club of Edmonton West for planting.  See these details and sign up directly as a Guest
This project is perfect for clubs to come together through service to improve our community and the environment. Anyone and any age are welcome, so bring your kids and grandkids.  Shovels  and gloves provided. 
Time:  1:00  - 3 pm
See details including a map for location  - Granville Dr NW and Greenough Landing NW.
September 5 meeting SAVE THE DATE
YEG Passport Rotary club resumes regular meetings in September.  Save the first Tuesday the 5th for our meeting.  Details coming in August.
We invite all our members and guests to join us.  Our club is growing. a number. A of fabulous people are interested in our club and what we do.   
Happy Canada Day
Saturday July 1 is Canada Day.  Get out and share your pride. Check out the many events going on in and around Edmonton including Drumming at the Louise McKinney Riverfront park, Lego display at Muttart, Legislature pancake breakfast and of course the Fireworks.
New Rotary year, theme, club leadership
July 1 starts a new Rotary year and RI President MacInally has chosen a theme 2023-24: Create Hope in the World.  He calls for Rotary to create hope in the world by working for peace and mental wellbeing. He urges members to engage in tough conversations and earn the trust that’s necessary to realize these values.    Here is the new theme logo.
Along with a new Rotary year comes our new Club Leadership.  2023-24 brings co-Presidency of Shelley Sabo and Chris Chukwunta.  Together they bring great energy and insights into our club journey for the next year.  Show your support by coming out on July 8 to see them take the reigns and sign up to help on a commitee to generate continued momentum for our club projects and creating hope in the local and international communities we serve.
New District Governor Brent Collingwood will also be in attendance on Saturday July 8.  Bring the whole family ( and a lawn chair, or blanket and a water bottle)  There will be food and excitement.
New member induction - Jose ( Pepe) Villareal
Jose "Pepe" Villareal is originally from Mexico but recently celebrated his new status as a Canadian citizen.  He has worked the past two decades in the fields of telecommunications and information technology as a Salesforce Administrator at CXC Global.  Seeking ways to contribute more to society, he has volunteered for over 12 years to the MJC movement in Mexico, which focuses on personal development for children and teenagers. 
He sees that Rotary as a global network of dedicated professionals who strive to improve lives aligns perfectly with his personal values and aspirations. He firmly believes that by joining Rotary, he can channel his energy, skills, and resources toward making a tangible difference in the communities he calls home.   Jose is wholeheartedly committed to contributing my time, skills, and resources to Rotary's mission of service above self. He believes that his professional background, passion forcommunity engagement, and dedication to making a difference align perfectly with the values and goals of the club. 
The members of the YEG Passport Rotary club are excited to have Pepe in our club.  He will be inducted on Saturday, July 8 at year end handover and Sinkunia Heritage Festival
Sinkunia Heritage Day - July 8
The Sinkunia Heritage Festival is on Saturday, July 8  at the garden area at the back of the St. Francis Centre at 6770-129 Avenue. Rotarians will be joining the fun by 2pm.  DG Brent Collingwood confirmed he will attend.  Sinkunia created this volunteer sign up if you can help out or just come for some food and fun. Rotary is organizing a book giveaway for elementary school students. 
Along with the club of NE Edmonton and Edmonton West, we can be proud of how we have supported Sinkunia in many ways.   They are also addressing mental health issues among black youth and creating a safe space for kids to know who they are and where they come from.
The Sihle-Sizwe Vineyard Marimba Band is also performing and are friends of Edmonton West too.
For more information, please contact Shelley at 587.783.8778 or
YEG Passport Rotary and summer meetings
Summer 2023 - no regular meetings.
HOWEVER watch out for opportunities for fellowship to be shared. 
Perhaps a group would like to participate in Heritage Days Aug 5-7 at Borden Park
Tree planting with Rotary Club of Edmonton West ( watch for dates) 
Fringe Festival ?  Aug 17 - 27. 
Remember your sunscreen
Community Service leadership needed
Local Service Committee - needs YOU
With the current chair - Shelley taking on co-Presidency starting July1, our club needs someone to chair this committee, with a minimal commitment of identifying volunteer opportunities from other Clubs that we can sign up for.  Many members can be part of the committee to take on individual service opportunities.
For a long-term project,  a recommendation will be put forward to support the Indigenous-led Niginan Housing organization.  They have two projects close to the Bosco Centre where Sinkunia resides and the NE Club is building good relations with both organizations.  EVERY MEMBER NEEDS TO BE ACTIVE IN ONE COMMITTEE.   This is one area where you can get involved.  
Enjoy the sunshine!
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